IELTS Cambridge 4 - Test 4

1. College Dining Room
2. office staff
3. students
4. 10th December
5. coffee break / coffee breaks
6. 6
7. set of dictionaries / dictionaries / a good
8. tapes
9. photos / photographs
10. speech
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. B
16. 180
17. nearest station
18. local history
19. 690
20. walking club / local walking club
21. 20 balloons
22. units of measurement / measurements /
measurement units
23. rock salt / salt
24. crystals
25. string / pieces of string
26. (ordinary/white) light
27. H
28. B
29. E
30. C
31. 795
32. tail
33. floor / bed / bottom
34. sense of smell
35. A
36. A
37. B
38. B
39. B
40. E