1. shopping / variety of shopping
2. guided tours
3. more than 12 / over 12
4. notice board
5. 13th February
6. Tower of London
7. Bristol
8. American Museum
9. student newspaper
10. Yentob
11. coal
f irewood
12. local craftsmen
13. 160
14. Woodside
15. Ticket Office
16. Gift Shop
17. (main) Workshop
18. Showroom
19. Cafe
20. cottages
21. A
22. C
23. E
24. B
25. G
26. F
27. C
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. cities / environment
32. windy
33. humid
34. shady / shaded
35. dangerous
36. leaves
37. ground
38. considerably reduce / decrease / filter
39. low
40. space / room