IELTS Cambridge 2 - Test 2

DIANE Good morning. Diane Davies. Can I help you?
GAVIN Yes, I'd like to get some insurance for the contents of my home.
DIANE Fine. When did you move into the house?
GAVIN A couple of weeks ago, and it's an apartment actually. I was told by the landlord Example
that it would be a good idea to get some insurance for the furniture and other
personal possessions.
DIANE Fine. Well, let's get some details. What kind of apartment is it?
GAVIN It's a two-bedroom apartment.
DIANE What floor is it on?
GAVIN Why do you need to know that?
DIANE Because it affects the cost of the insurance. An apartment on the ground floor
isn't as protected as others and there's more chance of a break-in.
GAVIN Really? I didn't know that. It's on the third, no,. .. second floor. Ql
DIANE Second . . . and how much is the rent?
GAVIN It's $615 per month. Q2
DIANE Good, and where is it located?
GAVIN In Biggins St, South Hills.
DIANE I see. And what things did you want to insure?
GAVIN Well, what do you recommend?
DIANE Well, the most important things are those which you would normally find in a
home. Things like the television, fridge and so on.
GAVIN I see. Well, I've got a fridge and a stereo system which I've just bought from a
DIANE And how much did you pay for the fridge? Q3
GAVIN Er, $450.
DIANE 50 or 15?
GAVIN 50, and the stereo system cost $1,150. Q4
DIANE Have you got a television?
GAVIN Yes, but it's very old and not worth much.
DIANE OK. Well, is there anything else you want to insure?
GAVIN Yes, I've got a couple of watches and my CDs and books.
DIANE How much do you think they're worth?
GAVIN The watches are worth $1,000 . . .
DIANE For both of them?
GAVIN No, each one and, all together, the CDs and books cost me about S400. Q5
DIANE OK, so the value of everything you want to insure is $4,000.
GAVIN How much will the insurance cost?

DIANE: Let me see, S4.000 divided by . . . plus 10% . . . right, so this kind of insurance,
er, that's Private Contents insurance, it comes to $184.00 for a twelve-month Q6
GAVIN S184.00. Well, that sounds pretty good. OK, I'll take that policy.
GAVIN Can I arrange the policy over the phone?
DIANE. Sure, just let me get the details down. So that's Mr . . .
GAVIN Gavin Murray, that's M-U-R-R-A-Y. Q7
DIANE And the address is?
GAVIN It's 16C Biggins Street, South Hills. Qs8,9
DIANE OK (writing) 16C Biggins Street, South Hills?
GAVIN That's right, it's two words, 'South Hills'.
DIANE And your date of birth is?
GAVIN 12 November 1980.
DIANE And your contact number?
GAVIN Home phone number is 9872 4855.
DIANE Right.. . and e r , . . . you're Australian?
GAVIN No . . . I was born in London, although my mother is from Tasmania. Q10
DIANE Really? Whereabouts?
GAVIN Hobart.
DIANE I see . . . interesting place. Now, are you working at the moment?
GAVIN No, I'm a full-time student at Sydney University.
DIANE Right, good. ,
Well, good morning, everyone, it's good to see you all here. Welcome to Smith House.
Smith House as you may or may not know is one of the oldest residential colleges of the
university. As you can see, the building you're in now which contains this main lounge, the
dining room, the recreation room, the kitchen and the offices was part of the original old Q11
house, built in the 1840s to be used by the family of George Smith. That's of course how
the house and college got their names. The original house was converted into, a residential
college for the university in 1940 and since then has continued to be added on to and
You'll notice when you receive your room allocation in a few minutes that your room
number either begins with the letter N, S, or W like this one here. The first letter refers to Q12
the three wings of the college which come away from this main building. Of course the
letters represent the three directions - in this case - north, south and west. Each wing has
two floors, and so the next number you see is either one, or in this case two, and this
indicates which floor your room is on. The number after that is your individual room Q13
number. So it's quite simple to find any room by going to the right wing, then floor, and Q14
then room number.

You'll also notice, when you receive your orientation pack shortly, that there are two keys.
One is the key to your room and only you have that key - and the other is a key to the front
door which you've just come through here from the street. This door is closed and locked at
8 pm every night and opened again at 7 am. You'll need your key if you're coming back to Q15
the college between those times. We ask all students to always enter and leave the college
through the front door. You will notice at the end of each corridor that there is another
door but these are fire doors and are kept locked from the outside. They should only be Q16
opened from the inside in case of emergency.
In your fees you've paid a laundry fee which covers the cleaning of bed linen and towels. Ql7
All bed linen and towels are clearly embossed with the name Smith House so it's easily
identifiable. If you want your other laundry to be done by the college this can be arranged
for a small extra fee.
There are only a few rules here at Smith House and we have these rules so that we can all
live comfortably together. The most important rule is that there must be no noise after 9 pm.
There is also no smoking in the rooms or anywhere inside the college but smoking is
permitted on the balconies. Q18
All meals are served in the dining room. Meal times are listed in your orientation pack.
Please read these carefully as meal times cannot be changed and if you arrive late I'm sorry Q19
to say you'll just go hungry.
If you're unsure about things, each floor has an elected 'floor senior' who is usually a
student in their third or fourth year of study who's been at Smith House for a while. The
floor seniors will introduce themselves later today and answer any questions you have. But Q20
for now I'm going to hand you over to Marney who is going to give you the orientation
packs and keys. Thanks Marney.
LYNNE That essay we have to write . . . the one on how children learn through the
media . . . how are you planning to write it?
ROBIN Well, I've given it some thought and I think that the best way to approach it is
to divide the essay into two parts. First of all, we'd have to look at some
examples of each type of media . . .
LYNNE Yes, what they are . .. then we could describe how we can use each medium so
that children can learn something from each one.
ROBIN Exactly. Maybe we could draw up a table and look at examples of each medium
in turn. Let's see, the different forms of media would b e . . . the print media . . .
LYNNE Here you'd have things like books and newspapers, that sort of thing . . . Q21
ROBIN Urn, and included in these are the pictorial forms of print media, like maps . . .
LYNNE Yes, maps are really just formal pictures, aren't they? And then there are what we Q22
call the audio forms of media . . . where children can listen. CDs and radios are Q23
probably the best examples, because a lot of children have access to these
especially radious.
ROBIN And this would lead into the audio-visual media, which can be seen as well as
heard . . . film, television . . . and we mustn't forget videos. Q24

LYNNE Yes, but there's a final category as well . . . computers, that make up the so- Q25
called electronic media. In the United Kingdom and Australia, they say that one
in three families has a computer now.
ROBIN Yes, I believe it. Well that's a good list to start with . .. we're really getting
somewhere with this essay now . . . so let's move on to when each type of
medium could be used. I guess we could start by trying to identify the best
situation for each type of media.
LYNNE What do you mean?
ROBIN I'm talking about whether each medium should be used with different sized
groups. For example, we could look at pictures, and ask whether they're more
useful for an individual child, a few children together or a full class - in this case,
I'd say pictures are best with individual children, because they give them an Example
opportunity to let their imaginations run wild.
LYNNE Yes, I see . . .
ROBIN Let's take tapes next. Although tapes look ideal for individual children, I feel Q26
they're best suited to small group work. This way, children don't feel isolated,
because they can get help from their friends. Computers are the same . . . I think Q27
they're better with small numbers of children and they're hardly ever useful with
a whole class. Videos, however, are ideal for use with everyone present in the Q28
class, especially when children have individual activity sheets to help them focus
their minds on what's in the video.
LYNNE And what about books, what would you recommend for them? Books are ideal Q29
for children to use by themselves. I know they're used with groups in schools, but
I wouldn't recommend it. Other pictorial media like maps, though, are different Q30
. . . I'd always plan group work around those . .. give the children a chance to
interact and to share ideas.
ROBIN I agree . . . teachers often just leave maps on the wall for children to look at
when they have some free time, but kids really enjoy using them for problem
LYNNE Yes, different people have different ideas I suppose .. .
ROBIN Yes, and different teachers recommend different tools for different age groups . . .
I hope that this first session, which I've called An Introduction to British Agriculture, will
provide a helpful background to the farm visits you'll be doing next week.
I think I should start by emphasising that agriculture still accounts for a very important
part of this country's economy. We are used to hearing the UK's society and economy
described as being 'industrial' or even 'post-industrial', but we mustn't let this blind us to
the fact that agriculture and its supporting industries still account for around 20% of our
Gross National Product.
This figure is especially impressive, I think, when you bear in mind how very small a
percentage of the UK workforce is employed in agriculture. This is not a recent

development - you would have to go back to 1750 or so to find a majority of the
workforce in this country working in agriculture: By the middle of the next century, in
1850 that is, it had fallen sharply to 10%, and then to 3% by the middle of the twentieth Q31
And now just 2% of the workforce contribute 20% of GNP. How is this efficiency
achieved? Well, my own view is that it owes a great deal to a history, over the last 50 or 60
years, of intelligent support by the state, mainly taking the form of helping farmers to plan
ahead. Then the two other factors I should mention, both very important, are the high Q32
level of training amongst the agricultural workforce. And secondly, the recognition by
farmers of the value of investing in technology. Q33
Now, although the UK is a fairly small country, the geology and climate vary a good
deal from region to region. For our purposes today we can divide the country broadly into
three - I've marked them on the map here (indicates map).
The region you'll get to know best, of course, is the north, where we are at present. The
land here is generally hilly, and the soils thin. The climate up here, and you've already had
evidence of this, is generally cool and wet. As you will see next week, the typical farm here Q34
in the North is a small, family-run concern, producing mainly wool and timber for the Q35
If we contrast that with the Eastern region, over here (indicating on map), the east is
flatter and more low-lying, with fertile soils and a mixed climate. Average farm-size is much Q36
bigger in the east, and farms are likely to be managed strictly on commercial lines. As for
crops, well, the east is the UK's great cereal-producing region. However, increasingly
significant areas are now also given over to high quality vegetables for supply direct to the Q37
The third broad region is the west, where it's a different story again. The climate is
warmer than in the north and much wetter than in the east. The resulting rich soils in the Q38
west provide excellent pasture, and the farms there are quite large, typically around 800 Q39
hectares. The main products are milk, cheese and meat.
So, clearly, there are marked differences between regions. But this does not prevent quite
a strong sense of solidarity amongst the farming community as a whole, right across the
country. This solidarity comes in part from the need to present a united front in dealing
with other powerful interest-groups, such as government or the media. It also owes
something to the close co-operation between all the agricultural training colleges, through
which the great majority of farmers pass at the beginning of their careers. And a third Q40
factor making for solidarity is the national structure of the Farmers' Union, of which
virtually all farmers are members.
Finally in this short talk, I would like to say a little about the challenges facing farmers
in the next. . .

Section 1, Questions 1-10
1 B
2 A
3 fridge/refrigerator
4 stereo (system)
5 books
6 ($/dollars) 184 NOT per month/monthly
7 Murray
8 16C
9 South Hills
10 English // British
Section 2, Questions 11-20
11 B
12 north // N
13 (2nd/second) floor (number)
14 room (number)
15 8 pm (and 7 am)
16 (the) fire/emergency doors
17 laundry // washing
18 (the) balconies ACCEPT balconys
19 meal times
20 (elected) floor senior(s)

Section 3, Questions 21-30
21 newspaper(s)
22 map(s)
23 radio(s)
24 television//TV
25 computer(s)
26 B
27 B
28 C
29 A
30 B
Section 4, Questions 31-40
31 A
32 training
33 technology ACCEPT tecknology/teknology
34 coo! (and) wet (both for one mark)
35 wool (and) timber (both for one mark)
36 fertile soil(s)/land/earth/ground
37 (high quality) vegetables/vegs
38 warm (and) wet (both for one mark)
39 800 // eight hundred
40 B