IELTS Cambridge 2 - Test 4

AGENT Good morning. MIC House Agency.
PAUL Good morning. I'm ringing about the problems I've been having with my
AGENT Yes, of course. If I can just take a few details first... What's your name?
PAUL Paul Smiley.
AGENT How do you spell that?
PAUL S-M-I-L-E-Y. Example
AGENT OK, and what's the address?
PAUL Apartment 2, 16 Rose Lane. Q1
AGENT Rose Lane... and that's in . . . ?
PAUL In Newton.
AGENT Oh yes, I know the property. Could I just ask how long is the lease?
PAUL It's for one year.
AGENT And you moved in . . . ?
PAUL Last week, on 27th June. Q2
AGENT Fine, thank you.
AGENT And what are the problems that you've been having?
PAUL Well, no one thing is really dangerous or anything, but you know, it's just been
building up.
AGENT Yes, of course.
PAUL Well the first thing is the washing machine. It's been leaking a little and it's
beginning to get worse. Because we have a small child, we really need to get that Example
done straight away.
AGENT OK... that's a washing machine for immediate repair.
PAUL And then there's a niggling problem with the cooker...
AGENT Ah h a . . .
PAUL The door's broken. Q3
AGENT Right.
PAUL It's nothing serious and it can be used, but if you can send someone over in the Q4
next couple of weeks or so that'd be great.
AGENT Fine, I've got that.
PAUL Then we are worried about all the windows.
AGENT Are they broken?
PAUL No, but there are no locks on them . . . and you know with the insurance these Q5
AGENT And when would you like those done?

PAUL Oh, that's not really urgent . . . but you never know when there's going to be a
b r e a k - i n . . .
AGENT No, we'll get those done for you next week, don't worry.
PAUL And then there's the bathroom light . . it's getting quite annoying. It flickers Q6
quite badly and it's giving me headaches. I'd really like to get that replaced right Q7
AGENT That's no problem.
PAUL And then the last thing on the list is the kitchen curtains. They're torn. Q8
AGENT Oh, right. We do have quite a few spare ones in stock and can get those to you Q9
in the next week, if that's alright with you?
PAUL Yes, that'd be fine.
AGENT Anything else?
PAUL No, that's all.
AGENT OK, fine. What we'll do is get someone over to you this afternoon, if you're in.
PAUL Well, I'm going to be out for a short time.
AGENT Well you tell us your preferred times.
PAUL Well the best time is about 1.00. Q10
AGENT I'll have to check that with him. And if he can't make it then, what would be
your second preference?
PAUL Any time up to 5 pm would be fine. Q10
AGENT OK, I've made a note of that.
PAUL Great, well thanks very much for your help.
AGENT That's fine. Thank you for calling.
PAUL Goodbye.
AGENT Goodbye.
Great. Well, hi, everyone! My name's Jody and I'm one of the four recreation officers here
at Rainforest Lodge. My job is to make sure that you all have a great stay here with us and
go away feeling relaxed and refreshed. As you can see, we're literally in the middle of
nowhere at the Lodge. There are no newspapers or TVs and there's only one phone and Q11
that's in the office. The Lodge is a complete 'getaway from it all' experience: a place to
unwind and appreciate the world without a lot of interruptions and distractions.
From your cabin balcony you'll find that you can't see anyone else and the only noise
you should hear is the birds. When the luggage comes, one of the guys will take it across to
your cabin for you and make sure you know the way back here to the main centre for
dinner in the restaurant. Dinner will be served in about an hour or so. Q12
All the times of each day's activities are printed on the blue sheet you should have got in
the information guides that were handed out on the coach. Each Explorer trip has a
different focus, so it doesn't matter how many you do or on what day, because there's
always something new to discover in the rainforest.
Tomorrow 1 think we've still got places on the Orchid and Fungi Tour. This is on foot

and takes you to different parts of the rainforest. Or, if you'd prefer, there's the Four- Q13
Wheel-Drive tour to the waterfalls, or the fishing trip where I promise you we'll catch some
lunch, and last but not least, the famous Crocodile Cruise that leaves at 11 am each day. Q14
(Just in time for the crocodile's lunch!) Plenty to choose from here at Rainforest Lodge or
just sit on your balcony, relax and unwind and enjoy the views. In the evenings there is the
Spotlight Tour, one of my favourites. The Spotlight Tour leaves at sundown and lets you Q15
catch a glimpse of some more of the rainforest's wildlife as it comes out at dusk to feed.
That's a great trip and if you can, I'd really try to make sure you do it during your stay.
You've chosen to visit the rainforest in March, which is just at the end of the wet season,
so you'll soon notice how well the waterfalls are running and also how damp the ground is.
Things can tend to get a bit slippery, too, so if you didn't bring any walking boots I'd Q16
advise you to hire some from the office. You'll also be much better off in long trousers Q17
rather than shorts because they will give your legs more protection, and socks are a good Q18
idea too.
There's no need to be nervous of the rainforest provided that you treat it with respect
and common sense. Most of the animals and wildlife are gentle and harmless. There are Q19
some venomous snakes to beware of, but really they're much more frightened of you than
you are of them. The other thing is that certain plants can cause irritation if you touch Q20
them with bare skin.
Well, that's about all for the time being. The guys are here to take you and your luggage
to the cabins . . .
COUNSELLOR Hello, John, What can I do for you?
JOHN Well, I heard about these counselling sessions from a friend doing a science
course and I was really interested. I think they should be compulsory really.
COUNSELLOR Well to be quite honest, John, I think they would be useful for everybody
but well, everybody has their own way of going about things. I prefer Q21
people just to drop in when they can.
COUNSELLOR I find that talking to students about the requirements of a course helps to
clarify what needs to be done. I mean the biggest difference between college
and school is that new college students really have to do a lot of work on Q22
their own, and it's sometimes useful to get advice on how to take control of
your time and work effectively.
JOHN Yes. I mean, it seems like a very light workload until assignment time
comes and then I seem to be working all night sometimes. I'm not the only
one. It's ridiculous. The resource centre is very good but it closes so early. Q23
It's in the library and so you'd think you could use it more. It's a real
problem for me.
COUNSELLOR Well, you're certainly not the only person in that position, as I'm sure
you've found. It really comes down to using every available hour in a

systematic way. If you do this with a plan, then you'll find that you still Q24
have time for yourself and your hobbies as well.
JOHN Yeah. I've heard from Thomas that you made him a sort of plan like this,
and he's going away for the weekend with all his work handed in, whereas I
haven't even started.
COUNSELLOR I need to find out a few more things about you first. I'll give you this form Q25
to fill in about your lectures and things before you leave.
COUNSELLOR Now, what are your main problems?
JOHN Well, what most concerns me is I'm still not doing very well in my
COUNSELLOR Well, I know that you plan your writing carefully, but this can come to
nothing if the assignment doesn't answer the question. That really is the
key. You must read the question carefully and give it a great deal of
thought before you even start planning or writing your first draft. It's also Q26
vital to check your work for errors. Everybody makes them, and they can
influence the person marking the work. So, always take time at the end to Q26
check what you have written.
JOHN As far as listening is concerned, I find it hard to keep up sometimes in
lectures, especially two-hour ones. I sometimes just seem to go off into a
COUNSELLOR It's a good idea to find out from your lecturers if they mind you recording Q27
the lectures. You only need one of those small cassette recorders. The
quality is pretty good and a second listening can really clarify things.
Something else you can do is check your notes with a friend after the Q28
JOHN Yes. That's a good idea. Thanks. It's hard to do all that all the time though,
especially when there's so much reading to do.
COUNSELLOR Yes. It's important, though, not to confine yourself to reading on your
subject. You should also read things of general interest that appeal to you. Q29
You know, novels, newspapers, that kind of thing. Do you have a good Q30
JOHN Not really. I've never bothered with one
COUNSELLOR Mmmm. It would probably be a good idea to get one. Dictionaries are not Q30
expensive and they can help a lot. Also you can underline or highlight new
words and . . .
TUTOR Well, good afternoon. In today's session John Upton will be sharing some of the
findings of his research project from last term. John . . .
JOHN Thanks. Well, first of all, a little bit about the background to the project. Our
title, as you can see, is pretty straightforward: 'car safety'. But these days there's a
lot more to it than the usual injunctions about drinking and driving or speeding.

I had been interested and horrified by several newspaper reports on what people Q31
call 'road rage'. For example the famous incident of a man getting out of his car
in a car park and hitting the driver of a van who had overtaken him earlier. It
seemed to me that there were almost as many serious problems when cars were
parked . . . i.e. were stationary . . . as when they were travelling at 90 miles an
hour. So I decided to make this the focus of the project.
For our research we depended mainly on talking to individuals, asking them Q32
questions rather than using written questionnaires. We stopped people at a
selected garage on the motorway over a two-day period, and asked them
questions about what they'd observed or experienced themselves. Our
respondents were both men and women, but the women were just slightly in the Q33
majority. We were pleased by the public's willingness to stop and chat to us . . . in
the end we talked to a total of 135 drivers over those two days. Q34
So what were our findings? Well, as you can see, 93% of respondents had had
some kind of problem. A surprisingly large percentage - 24% had had their car
damaged in some way, but the main type of incident was being shouted Q35
at - 79% had experienced that. 15% had experienced violence on their own
persons . . . they'd actually been hit by someone. The police tended only to be
informed when there was physical violence involved.
So what strategies had people developed to ensure their own safety? Let's have a
look at the figures here. Well, first of all, it was quite striking that there were often
distinct answers from the men and women. It was mainly women, for example, Example
who said one shouldn't ever stop to find out how to get somewhere. Whereas it
was men who said you should try to avoid looking directly at other drivers. Both Q36
men and . . . oh sorry n o . . . it was women who said you had to tell someone Q37
when you were due to get to a particular destination. Then, I had thought that it
would be mainly men, but both sexes made the point that it's much safer to get Q38
keys out well in advance as you go towards your car. Men were very aware that
muggers or whatever might be concealed behind the car. They also made the Q39
point that you should leave plenty of room when you park your car so you can
make a quick getaway if you need to. Finally, locking doors at all times . . . men
didn't think it was quite as important as women, but both gave it a high safety Q40
When we asked them what they thought the best improvements had been in the
last five years in helping with road rage problems . . .

Section 1, Questions 1-10
1 16 Rose Lane
2 27(th) June or acceptable alternatives
3 door broken // broken door
4 C
5 no locks (on them) // need locks
6 bathroom light
7 A
8 kitchen curtains
9 B
10 1 (pm) (and) 5 (pm)
Section 2, Questions 11-20
11 B
12 C
13 waterfall(s) // water fall(s) // water-fall(s)
14 eleven/11.00//11 (am)
15 Spotlight (tour)

Section 3, Questions 21-30
21 B
22 B
23 A
24 C
25 C
26 check (over) (your) work/errors // revise
27 record
28 (a) friend ACCEPT freind
29 general interest NOT interest
30 dictionary
Section 4, Questions 31-40
31 B
32 A
33 A
34 B
35 C
36 B
37 A
38 C
39 B
40 C